Friday, February 28, 2020

Studies on the Economic Effects and Bans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Studies on the Economic Effects and Bans - Essay Example Most drugs are considered illegal since they have a way of causing significant side effects not only to the person abusing them but also the other people who directly interact with him or her. However, in any circumstance, cigarettes are still allowed whether an individual is hawking them or is just in their possession. There is a sort of regulation that has been put in force in purchasing the good. Age sixteen is the minimum age allowed for an individual to buy this particular commodity. However, it has been revealed by a number of researchers that greedy shopkeepers violate this policy by selling it before trying to find out the age or even identity of the buyer. Most individuals are always against smoking due to the irritating smell and are also scared of the health implications that accompany the act. When an individual begins the act, not only does he cause harm to himself but also results to environmental pollution and makes other people directly interacting with them to smoke. This is what is referred to as passive smoking and it can result to great harm to the internal body. As each year passes by, the smoking habit has greatly increased resulting to a proportional increase in passive smokers. Aware of the incoming disaster, the U.K government is in turn about to present to the queen a proposed bill that bans cigarette smoking in several public places. ASH, which stands for Action on Smoking and Health is a lobby for anti smoking whose mandate is to easily communicate with a market of their choice on the adverse effects of smoking. To achieve this, it closely works with â€Å"cancer research U.K†. Both companies professionally join forces to get rid of illnesses caused by smoking. ASH also worked with â€Å"you goo† company in carrying out prospective researches. It also issued ASH the research questionnaires. As a normal company, the main Aim of ASH it to ensure a global village free of tobacco harms. It can therefore be referred to as a public health campaigning charity organization. The ASH therefore is seen as an organization that doesn’t necessarily support the use of tobacco but is keen at dealing with the aftermath of its abuse. It can therefore be deduced that this organization is aware that completely banning cigarette smoking is hard n hence decides to focus more on how to deal with the aftermath. On the other hand, after taking my time to read an article written by Russell, I noticed called â€Å"The Facts† I noticed the authors artistic nature of pointing out the reasons behind the smoking ban. I noticed however that the studies selected by Russell take a one-sided trend and omits very significant points. In studying the smoking ban, one of the main agendas was to put solid proof to table as to why bans are relevant for business. It was discovered from a research made in California that there was a slight revenue increase of 5% after the ban was imposed. The study however fails to recognize the fact that the fact that at that very moment an overwhelming economic growth was being experienced by the country. The study also was keen at giving the exact number of businesses that strictly banned smoking. Several businesses were a part of the study yet most of them had put the ban under operation long before the study was conducted. The most affected businesses were the likes of bowling alleys, bars, bingo parlor, etc hence they were completely left out of the

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

How service delivery can be improved through better project management Dissertation

How service delivery can be improved through better project management - Dissertation Example It gives people opportunity to share their experiences which can be assessed for further modifications in service delivery system. Through project management, the available resources can be used effectively by team members sharing their knowledge and innovative ideas (Project management course). The accessibility of project management team to the current information enables them to identify the existing problems and demands of the customers. This up-to-date knowledge would facilitate them to assess the success of the service delivery. The quality of service delivery depends on the extent to which the customer needs are satisfied; hence the better management with leadership skills can organise the process of service delivery in a better way ( There may be times when a better-quality product fails to sustain in the market due to poor service delivery. Thus it is very necessary that the service delivery has to be managed by a well-organized and efficient management. Communic ation is one of the key factors that determine the success of service delivery.